Embark on a heartwarming journey “Missy Moo the Highland Coo”, a delightful children’s book celebrating individuality and self-acceptance. Join Missy Moo, the fluffy Highland Cow, as she discovers the beauty of being true to herself in a world of dairy cows.
With charming illustrations and a whimsical rhythmic tale, this book is a celebration of uniqueness and the power of embracing what makes you, YOU.
Missy Moo the Highland Coo is an adorable board book for kids and adults alike.
Book Details:
- Printed on 1mm cardboard board book paper
- Gloss finish
- Measures 7” by 7”
- 32 pages
- Perfect for ages 0-7
Author: Kelsey Marshalsey
Miss Moo The Highland Coo - Book